NodeJS Self Signed Certs

Posted on: 5/30/2023 Last Updated: 6/4/2023
Just some notes on generating SSL certs
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SSL Cert Stuff

Just some notes around generating SSL certs to play with. When working with your NodeJS app it is something handy to be able to generate some SSL certs to use locally for development so this will help you generate a self-signed SSL certificate using openssl.


A file used for your default preferences so you don't have to fill out the form (prompts) when generating your certificate.

To make it work with multiple hostnames, use the [alt_names] area to fill out the Certificate SAN (Subject Alt Names) fields.

## NodeJS Self Signed Certs

# cert.conf
# Update the defaults to what you want, then use this as your template to generate a SSL cert

distinguished_name = req_distinguished_name
req_extensions = v3_req

countryName = Country Name (2 letter code)
countryName_default = CA
stateOrProvinceName = State or Province Name (full name)
stateOrProvinceName_default = Alberta
localityName = Locality Name (eg, city)
localityName_default = Your City
organizationName = Organization Name (eg, company) [Internet Widgits Pty Ltd]
organizationName_default = Your Company Name Here
organizationalUnitName  = Organizational Unit Name (eg, section)
organizationalUnitName_default  = Engineering
commonName =
commonName_default =
commonName_max  = 64

[ v3_req ]
# Extensions to add to a certificate request
basicConstraints = CA:FALSE
keyUsage = nonRepudiation, digitalSignature, keyEncipherment
subjectAltName = @alt_names

DNS.1 =
DNS.2 =
# This is a 1 year cert (356 days)
openssl req -newkey rsa:2048 -new -config cert.conf -nodes -x509 -days 365 -keyout key.pem -out cert.pem

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